Monday, October 10, 2005

Targeting the symptom, not the malaise

Sorry, this is another comment on the promised Vatican document on homosexual candidates for the priesthood. Although there has been a great deal of discussion about it before its appearance, as soon as it comes out (excuse the pun) it will be dead in the water, as all Vatican documents have been of late. Like Juvenal's probity, chastity will be praised and left to grow cold. The document seeks to target one symptom of many which characterise the diseased state of our seminaries, but what we really need is a thorough-going reform which will tackle the malaise at its roots. Too great a task? Not at all, if only there were the will, papal and episcopal, to undertake it. The following approach is recommended:
1. Close down the existing seminary, and send all the boys home.
2. Reopen after a decent interval, and a thorough lustration, under new management.
3. The said management to be recruited from the priests of the diocese and religious who are totally katholikoi; Opey Dopies and sound laity to be co-opted as necessary.
4. The new rule of seminary life to be published; to include early rising, meditation, Mass, serious study, Latin from day one, soutane wearing, fasting, etc. Yes, folks, the way it used to be. All to be conducted, of course, in a spirit of love of God, of one another, and of the Church.
5. Applications to be invited.
6. Just watch true vocations materialise.
Having healed the illness at its source, the various symptoms will also disappear. You see, if you have a homosexual disposition, over seven years of strict seminary life you will either leave, or learn, with God's grace, to live chastely.


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