Friday, December 09, 2005


"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say: Rejoice!" There was need for St Paul to repeat the message. We too are slow to hear it: the Gospel is a joyful thing! But note the source of our joy: rejoice in the Lord. When we seek joy outside of him, or in things which contradict his will for us, then we may know some fleeting happiness, but no true joy. We must give ourselves fully to him. With regard to the things of the world, however, we must exercise restraint: "let your mderation be known to all men." That is the big mistake we so often make. Something in this life -- food, drink, a hobby, a friendship -- brings us joy, so we go after it without restraint. And in over-indulging in our joy, we in fact ruin it. To the Lord we give ourselves fully, but we must deal moderately with the things of the earth. Then we shall know true and lasting joy, a joy that the world does not know; a joy that is the Lord's own joy and which no one shall ever take from us.


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