Monday, October 10, 2005

Conservative is good

This blog has a rather conservative title. Not just because it's in Latin, but because of what the Latin means: fidem servemus, let us conserve the faith! This is an exhortation to do what St Paul claims he did, in 2 Tim 4:7: fidem servavi, I have conserved the faith. The faith is a thing which demands a conservative response. It is a precious and fragile gift entrusted to us for conservation. We have no right, or even ability, to modify it, or to be 'creative' with it. No, we just conserve it. And as we do, we gradually discover what a wonderful treasure we have. We can only be liberal with the faith if we have been conservative of it; that is, we can only share it generously with others if we have kept it safe with ourselves. So let us be liberal, but only if we are conservative! Let us conserve the faith, as St Paul, the original conservative, did.


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