Cresco no more

During the Jubilee Year we witnessed the meteoric rise to fame and power of a certain dark, squat, and rotund prelate, Crescenzio Sepe. Those of us who know some Latin couldn't help associating his name with a motto: Cresco Saepe, "I grow often", since there seemed to be no end to the man's accumulation of position and prestige. He now heads Propaganda Fidei, and as 'red pope' is second in influence only to the great Sod; when it comes to having access to the loot, he is second to none, not even the white Pope. But oops, we made a wee miscalculation, now didn't we. You see, our second-in-command, a certain Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don didn't like the way we were handling the funds, did he, and wouldn't play along, and so we decided to have him put out to pasture, back to his native soil. But we didn't realise, did we, that the said interfering Sri Lankan was such a good friend of the then Cardinal Ratz, who very uncharacteristically intervened to keep his Don within the Vatican service, albeit as a nuncio. And as soon as he got a chance, the now Big Ben recalled the Don and gave him a rather important job in the Vat. And now we see that our own position might not be so secure. And we have heard we might be going somewhere where there may not be just as much cash floating about. And we suspect that we shall grow no more. O Crescens, crevisti!
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