Monday, October 17, 2005

Ignatius of Antioch

I have just re-read the seven short letters which Ignatius wrote. They are full of teaching. What stands out most is how vital a part of the Christian life for him is recognition of the hierarchy of the Church, and submission to it. Again and again we hear of the bishop, the presbyterate (priests), and the deacons, and how all depends on acting in unity with them. Today we are anti-hierarchy, having been persuaded that the structures of the Church came about late in time, and so are unessential. Well, Ignatius died in AD 107, and had known the apostles, so he had a better idea of what was essential than we, or our indoctrinators. It is truly amazing how early on the basics of the Church were firmly in place, and how they have not altered over two millenia. I hope to make it an annual exercise to read the saint's letters on his feast day, since they are most instructive, and rather brief!


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