Hopes of Sedia Dashed
This morning the Holy Father met with his Sediari, the men who used carry the Sedia Gestatoria. He told them that their name reminded them of their duty to be always united to the See (Sede) of Peter. Well, that may be so in a secondary sense, but the name first of all recalls their links with the Sedia. However, it looks as if we shall not see Benedict being carried aloft. For the Pontiff continued: "The ceremonial has been simplified to bring it back to a greater sobriety, better attuned to the Christian message and to the demands of the times." Well, I'm sorry, your Holiness, but having recently attended a Papal ceremony, the whole thing would have been so much more beautiful, and no less reverential, or modern, or "Christian", if you had been carried in. What is certain is that far more of the faithful would have seen you, which is why they, and you, were there.
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