Likelihood of Reunion
The Church is abuzz with speculation about reunion between the Society of St Pius X and Rome. Let's hope and pray that it happens. Doubts have been expressed, however, as to whether it will. Many seem to think that, whereas attitudes in Rome have softened, attitudes in Econe have hardened correspondingly, thereby cancelling out any real development. I am not of this opinion. One does hear rather exteme things from the Society, especially from a certain bishop; but that bishop is a rather colorful character whose words are to be taken cum grano salis, and in any case trencant statements are to be understood in a group which had to forge a very strong sense of identity to survive. What I'm saying is: I don't believe the Society's bite in negotiations will be all that its bark may suggest. Let's remember too how Archbishop Lefebrve held out so long before breaking with Rome. His memory is alive and venerated in the Society. No group is more ROMAN Catholic than the Society; reunion with Rome cannot but be their deepest desire. The terms of reunion must be adequate, of course. There must be much give, and really no take, on the part of Rome. The Society is far more sinned against than sinning, and really deserves an apology. In fact the whole Church deserves such an apology from those who deprived us of so much of our inheritance. So much of this inheritance has been carefully guarded by the Society, and now they should be welcomed back so as to help re-introduce us to what we have lost. Some of us have fought within the fold, some from outside, but I like to think that ultimately we have all fought together. But, the objection may arise: should this two-front strategy not continue? The answer is that it is wearisome, and dangerous, to fight from the outside for too long. No, it is now time to come in. Let us pray that all will go well.
We should *THANK* FSSPX?
Ever heard of FSSP?
Ctb: Not sure what your point is. I am a great admirer of the FSSP, but the fact is that they would not exist were it not for the FSSPX. Personally, I doubt whether I would ever have come to know the beauty of the old rite were it not for Mgr. Lefebvre. Therefore I am grateful to him - may he rest in peace - and to those brave enough to follow him. In conscience I could not have done the same. We shall all have to go before the judgement seat of God.
It's not that I don't see your point. But... they are schismatic!
Those people CAN NOT be a role model. They've overdone it. And more than a little bit...
"Therefore I am grateful to him [...] and to those brave enough to follow him"
Would this also fit on Luther. I mean... he had the best intentions, hadn't he? ;-)
Greetings from Germany!
ctb: Did I say anything about role models? Two points to consider: Let's be charitable towards our brothers, and see the good in them rather than the bad. Especially now, when a reconciliation seems near. Secondly: We should also remember that many bishops and priests are in material schism/heresy (often being too ignorant or cowardly to formalize it) and no action is taken against them by Rome. The SPPX has suffered for having the courage of its convictions. Excessive zeal perhaps, but zeal nonetheless. Mit freundlichen Gruessen.
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