Disaster in Arlington

So the bishop of Arlington has given with his little finger, and taken away in large handfuls. He has permitted the classical liturgy in two parishes, and dealt a massive blow at the Priesthood in them all. Have no doubt about it, that is what the introduction of altar girls is: the ultimate attack on the Priesthood. Pace the Rev. Jim Tucker, who seems to have suffered an uncharacteristic lapse of judgment in this area, girls serving Mass send out even more wrong signals than lay readers and Holy Communion distributors. Those folk make only momentary appearances in the sanctuary, and in no way serve at the altar. By dressing girls up as little priestesses, and having them in the sanctuary, and at the altar, right through Mass, the message goes out loud and clear: the Priesthood is for girls! Now we know that it is not, but I'm not addressing dogma here, but the image of the Priesthood communicated by the liturgy, and the long-term implications for vocations. Do your homework. What happens when the girls enter the sanctuary? They take over, and the boys depart. This is not my theory; it is my experience. Of course the Lord can continue to work despite his Bishops' stupidity, but it will be despite that stupidity. Arlington held out long in this area, and thank God. But that only accentuates the sense of disappointment. We can only hope that pastors will opt to maintain the status quo, but it will be hoping against hope. Even good men will have to give way, since they cannot cite the Bishop's prohibition. Those who are stalwart will be resented, and strife will be engendered. Yes, disaster has come to Arlington.

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